Safety Tips for the Holidays

It’s the holidays, time to unwind after a long and interesting year: missing budget, recession, MMM, Ultimate Cycler, loss of jobs et al. However, holidays can be really difficult for people and research has shown that lots of accidents and emergency situations arise during these periods. This is the reason I have collated some safety tips for you because I would love to see you in one piece in 2017
Here are some tips specially collated for you:
1.       Personal Security
*   Be alert wherever you find yourself most especially around ATMs
* Avoid known crime-prone areas and do not move alone in lonely areas
* Avoid routine pattern of movements. The more predictable your movements and schedules are, to and from places of leisure, entertainment, worship, shopping, schooling, the easier it is for a kidnapper to plan and execute your abduction.
*  Avoid undue exposure of yourself and your family members.
* Make an emergency plan for yourself and communicate it your loved ones
* As much as possible avoid injury
2. Mental Health
* Avoid unnecessary stress. It’s the holidays so take time to rest and engage in relaxing activities
* Be active – take part in activities with friends and family. Asides bonding, it will keep you occupied meaningfully. The holidays tend to get people into depression therefore, be active.
3. Food Safety
* Wash hands regularly
* Keep kitchen surfaces clean to avoid cross contamination – juices from raw food touching ready to eat foods
* Eat in small portions and when in doubt avoid trying new foods
* As much as possible eat healthy
* When buying canned foods, look out for expiry dates.
4. Home Safety
* Check that decorative lights are in good condition before they are put up and turn them off before going to bed to prevent a fire
* Do not make your travel plans public
* For security reasons, keep some outside lights on when you travel. If possible with an automatic timer
* Keep an eye on the kids, they might get hurt
* Get competent hands for DIY projects to minimise the risks of accidents
* When climbing, use appropriate equipment to reduce the risk of falls
* Stay in the kitchen when something is cooking
* Turn off gas cylinders when not in use
* Always be prepared for emergencies most especially if you are hosting a house party. Keep your First Aid Kit fully stocked
* Be careful with fireworks
* Do not over load sockets
* Keep combustibles away from heat source. Beware of fire
5. Financial Transactions
* Keep information concerning financial transactions strictly confidential
* Avoid carrying large sums of cash, they tend to attract criminals.
* Use ATMs only in safe and well lit places and not late at night.
6.  Travel Security
* Always plan your journey and ensure the vehicle is in good working condition.
* Discuss travel plans only with immediate family members.
* Do not drink and drive. Do not allow yourself to be driven by someone who has been drinking
* Watch out for distracted drivers. This period understand that you are responsible for your life so think for the other drivers by being vigilant. Expect the unexpected and be prepared
*Do nor leave packages or valuables on car seats
* Stick to major routes and avoid lonely routes with bad roads and poor visibility.
*  If you suspect a vehicle trailing you on the road, drive to the nearest Police station or public place where help is available
* Do not give or receive free rides to strangers including persons dressed in uniforms, as they may be criminals in disguise.
*  Be aware of techniques used by criminals to force unsuspecting drivers to stop.
Note: It is established that motorists are most vulnerable when:
* Waiting for the gate to be opened for them at residences.
* Driving through a terribly bad spot that requires slowing down completely with little chance of escape or when parked on a spot along a less busy road without alighting from the car.
7. Social Outings
* Always let close family members know of your movements.
* Avoid late outings unless it is absolutely necessary, even then, ensure you are accompanied.
* Always take your mobile phone with you, in the event you need it to make emergency calls
*  Counsel children never to leave home without telling you, and to maintain communication with a parent or guardian.
Note: In the likely event that you are attacked, please remember the following:
*  The general rule is “NEVER” attempt to run.
* Do not resist or panic, just stay calm and cooperate
* Avoid eye-to-eye contact with the assailants, but respond to instructions and questions calmly.
* Do not make sudden movements without first seeking permission as they may misconstrue your intention.
If kidnapped:
* Focus your energy on survival, maintaining self respect and dignity.
* Inform them if you have any medical condition
* Request to speak with your relatives, close associates, and give them the facts unemotionally
 * Do not attempt to call the Police when it is not safe to do so
christmas red adorable colors green
Always review your family’s safety plans. Have a beautiful and safe holiday!
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