The Economic Situation, Stress and Summer

It’s the eighth month already, the year is speeding by. It sure feels like we are racing against time. August is here and with it various Summer plans. We’ve all worked so hard and it’s time to let down our hair.


Unfortunately, not everyone can be on vacation at this time. The present economic situation, job uncertainty, salary delays, loss of jobs, high prices of goods, home pressures, looming deadlines are just a few stressors. Reports of the increasing exchange rates, loss of jobs across sectors, abandoned houses in high brow areas and the need to still meet up with the Jones’s is beginning to have its effect on our people. So much has happened and a lot would still happen. You might not be able  to go on vacation now or can’t even afford it but you can still relieve stress right here in the course of your daily routine. Between, who says the vacation must be abroad? We could try less expensive options within the country or just stay home and re-strategise. Lord knows, this is the time to manage our resources effectively.


Stress of any sort could lead to increased heart attack, hypertension and other disorders. This is harmful to our physical and emotional health. However, we are a resilient people with a knack for overcoming tough times.

Here’s how we can relieve stress in this trying period:

  • Setting boundaries: Partition your day. Decide upfront that work should not encroach into rest periods. During rest periods, avoid work related activities to give you time to relax. Also, decide when you’d take on various tasks at work e.g Emails, one on one meetings, phone calls etc. Setting boundaries position you for effectiveness and reduces stress.
  • Healthy eating: Due to improper time management, we have become victims of unhealthy eating. Snacks and fizzy drinks are gradually replacing staples. We are eating lots of stuff but are missing out on healthier options that could boost our immune system and overall well being. Let’s start eating right and drinking water, lots and lots of it.Screenshot_2016-08-07-23-38-04-1
  • Time off: Make a conscious effort to engage in relaxing activities during your time off work. Read novels, see movies, go dancing, hang out with friends, watch a play, attend comedy events. These things just have a way of making you see that life is still good.
  • Taking a deep breath: According to Sharon Melnick, a business psychologist, if you’re feeling overwhelmed or are coming out of a tense meeting and need to clear your head, a few minutes of deep breathing will restore balance. Simply inhale for five seconds, hold and exhale in equal counts through the nose. “It’s like getting the calm and focus of a 90-minute yoga class in three minutes or less at your desk,” she says.
  • Exercise: Instead of reaching for alcohol or fast food why not take a run or a brisk walk? Exercise is known to improve overall well being and reduce likelihood of various ailments.
  • Sleep: Most of us have to wake up so early in order to beat traffic and still return very late from work due traffic. When we get home, we don’t fall asleep immediately as we still try to do one or two things. All these eats into our sleep time. We need to start sleeping well as good sleep is a great factor in relieving stress.
  • Prioritise your priority: There will always be too many tasks competing for our attention. We need to prioritise and start with performing tasks that would have the greatest impact before moving down the list. Multi-tasking reduces efficiency. It’s important to focus and perform tasks one after the order.

Now, we understand you need to work and achieve all those lovely goals. However, we also know you won’t achieve any if you are a victim of stress.



Do you have more stress relieving tips? Share with us.


Image credit: @ulomka, EAP provider, Google

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