Food and Your Mood

The type of food we eat could affect our performance in the workplace. It might make us a danger to our colleagues. This video is a real life story of how it caused a fatal workplace accident.



What we eat has a direct connection to our mood, performance and our safety throughout the day.


  • People tend to take more shortcuts when they are tired or stressed
  • Distractions cause more accidents than any other factor
  • Eating right is important
  • Breakfast gives you the right energy boost to start up your day
  • The type of food eaten determines the energy levels that one can maintain during the day
  • Avoid energy drinks and high sugar foods because they lead to blood sugar highs and lows
  • Blood sugar highs and lows leads to mood changes all day. One minute you are alert and as soon as your supply runs low, you feel drowsy and weak
  • Avoid cookies, pastries, candy bars because they lead to erratic blood sugar levels
  • Maintain blood sugar on even level by eating whole grain carbohydrates, cereals, breads or fruits
  • If you feel fatigued, stop work.

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