First Aid Kit or Staff Clinic?

What do you have in your workplace? A First Aid Kit or a Staff Clinic?

It’s agreed that different workplaces have different scale of operations that determines the choice of either, however do you have the minimum requirement?

As a minimum requirement by Law, every workplace should have a First Aid Kit because injury could happen at any time and it pays to be prepared. We cannot afford to stand helpless when a colleague needs our assistance. It is therefore important to have a well equipped First Aid  Kit in the workplace for the following reasons:

  1. It helps the First Aider provide correct help in timely manner
  2. The injured person gets support while waiting for more professional help
  3. It reduces the chances of the injury deteriorating



The presence of a First Aid Kit is however not enough. It is important to ensure some staff are trained on basic First Aid skills to ensure that they can give appropriate help if a situation arises. The contents of the First Aid Kit must be monitored regularly to ensure that as contents are being used, they are also restocked to prevent a situation where the First Kit is present but lacking in essential material.

The content of the First Aid Kit varies depending on certain factors such as:

  1. The nature of hazards in the workplace
  2. The number of employees
  3. The proximity of workplace to a hospital
  4. The laws of the State or Country of business operation
  5. The nature of the industry

First Aid Kits can contain all these and more depending on the factors listed above: adhesive tape,scissors, eye wash solution, thermometer, cotton balls, duct tape,triangular bandage, instant cold packs, elastic wrap bandages, bandage strips and “butterfly” bandages in different sizes, eye shield or pad, duct tape, disposable non-latex gloves, plastic bags, safety pins, tweezers, soap or hand sanitizer, antiseptic solution, antibiotic ointment, syringe, first aid manual, antihistamine, pain reliever, cough and cold medication, laxative,antacids etc.


Accidents do not give ample notice before they occur so we should prepare by ensuring we have a well equipped First Aid Kit in the workplace. There should be a First Aid manual that could serve as a guide in emergency situations. The manual doesn’t have to be too large. It could be a small booklet containing procedures for handling various types of medical situations. It doesn’t hurt to have a primary contact of a hospital where staff can be taken. This prevents confusion that happens in the wake of an accident.

The presence of First Aid Kits in the workplace demonstrates care and concern for employee’s wellbeing and this boosts morale of staff. You absolutely need that in your business/workplace. First Aid Kits are not restricted to the workplace, it is important to keep one in the home for swift and effective response to emergencies.

An enlightened and prepared people leads to a safer society for all.


Image credit: Google images, HSEwise

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