Be Proactive!

In the past few hours  of 2017, there has been various prophecies from Men of God  all over social media. As I scanned through, I saw a common thread of emergencies: road accidents, building collapse, fire outbreak, kidnap and natural disasters. Even if you do not believe in prophecies, I can assure you that it doesn’t hurt to be proactive. In 2016 alone there were too many avoidable accidents and safety incidents across the country.

Today. Take. Responsibility. For. Your. Safety. In. 2017.

Road Safety

As a passenger, if you are not comfortable with your driver’s style of driving, speak up. If he persists, please alight from the vehicle. You’ve got just one life. To comply with regulations and ensure your safety as a driver, you need the following in your vehicle: Warning triangle (C-caution), Fire extinguisher, Jack, Spare tyre, First Aid Kit, Wheel Spanner, Water, Hydraulic, Transmission fluid, Flashlight and Spare fan belt.

Fire Safety

Do you own a fire extinguisher? Do you know how to use one? Is your home safe from  fire? Does you office have a fire safety plan? Do your staff or co-workers know the actions to take in a fire emergency? You need a safety professional to assess your home and workplace in order to come up with a plan that ensures your safety. I’m certain you do not want to lose property to fire in the current economic clime.

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Building Collapse

When building, it is important to use sufficient materials and follow due process. But this is not just for contractors and construction workers, our observations as concerned citizens could save lives. Most times, buildings give signs before they collapse. You need to raise alarm when you see these signs:

  • weird sounds or see cracks on walls
  • water seeping into the foundation
  • gap forming between the door and door frame
  • cracks near a column
  • frames of doors or windows appearing bent or inclined to one side

Natural Disasters

We are in a part of the world that is less prone to natural disasters. However, the environment in different states is beginning to react to our man-made activities. It is therefore important to identify what is more likely to happen in your area and prepare for it. Could it be flood or  an earthquake? Prepare a bag with essentials like flashlight, non-perishable food, clothing, radio, water, water-proof box for documents, money. Keep the bag and a written plan in a safe place. It’s always better to be prepared.

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Teach young children to avoid speaking with strangers. As adults, we also need to be conscious of our environment and exercise caution when speaking about our personal lives in public. There are a variety of personal locator devices that can be made available for individual or official use. Trends like ID cards, wristwatches, shoes are quite efficient at pinpointing ones location without the knowledge of the kidnapper.

Take responsibility for your safety. Have a beautiful and safe 2017.




Image Credit: Google Images

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