How to be a better airline passenger

In the course of meeting deadlines, attending meetings and training towards business success, we might have to fly to our destinations. So we get on-board the aircraft with tonnes of stuffs on our minds either about where we are coming from or where we are going to. Sometimes this makes us less receptive to safety rules on-board an aircraft. Airlines go though a lot of work to ensure that they take you from point A to point B in the safest possible way. However, your cooperation is needed to ensure that you are totally safe.

How then can you be a better passenger asides putting on your seat belts?

Stow your bags properly under the seats

Under each seats are barriers to keep your bags in place. It is important to push bags properly under the seat in front of you to avoid obstruction in an emergency. This is a necessary safety precaution because on impact in an emergency, your exit route will be free from obstruction to a reasonable degree.

Raise window blinds

Take offs and landings are critical phases of flights. During these periods you are advised to keep your window blinds fully raised. This ensures that if you sight an odd situation outside the aircraft, you would be able to report it. In times past, observant passengers have helped airlines avoid potential incidents.

Obey rules at the emergency exit rows

Image result for exit row seats

Passengers get a bit touchy here because they feel “disturbed” by cabin crew. Be rest assured that no one wants to disturb you but to prepare you for unforeseen circumstances. It is therefore important for passengers who sit at exit rows to always obey the  exit row rules. No matter how many times, you have flown, International regulations demand that you are briefed by the cabin crew on how to operate the exit every single time. This briefing is necessary to refresh your memory on actions to take in an emergency situation. Bags are also not allowed for the singular reason of preventing obstruction in an emergency. If you do not want to comply or you do not wish to go through that briefing, you can actually choose to be re-seated. This is always better than getting worked up and causing a scene. But why would you do that when there is ample leg room on that row which is a plus to most passengers?

Keep seats in upright position

Accidents are more likely to happen during the critical phases of flights: take off and landing. Therefore, always keep your seat backs raised at these points so that in the event of impact either planned or unplanned, your spine is protected. Keeping your seat in an upright position also ensures that passengers sitting behind you can disembark easily in an emergency situation.

Lowered armrests and Raised tray tables

You’ve probably experienced crew asking you to either lower your armrests or raise your tray tables. It is important to comply during the critical phases of flight to ensure that in the event of sudden aircraft movement, you are not hit by these unsecured objects.

The bottom-line for airlines is to take you to your destination in the safest possible way. So, when next you see that cabin crew approaching you, smile and be nice, it’s for your safety.

Wishing you safer flights and successful outcomes.



Image credit: Google

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