5 Things to note about cervical cancer

January is the month of Cervical Cancer awareness so I would be joining the #CheatCervicalCancer awareness campaign put together by @smilewithmeinitiative

I believe that if we all share information to more women, we’d be working together to combat this disease. Here are 5 Important Things you need to note:

1) Being sexually active

Once you are sexually active, you are at risk. Even if you just had sex once and have abstained since then, you need to get yourself checked. As we all know, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

2) Use of Condoms
Condom do not totally protect you just in case it just crossed your mind that you’ve been careful. Being careful is good but alas the Human Papilloma Virus could be around parts the condom didn’t cover. So, you need to get yourself checked

3) Pap smear 
This is an important screening test to check for precancerous or cancerous cells in the cervix. It helps doctors know how they can help you.

4) Vaccination 
With vaccination you get protected for life and this is why it is being advocated for younger girls to be vaccinated. With just 3 doses you live happily ever after free from the risk

5) Early detection
This is still the best way to have a fighting chance with cervical cancer.

Therefore, share this knowledge with all ladies. Men, you’re not left out. Please share with all the ladies you live. Encourage them to go for a check-up and let’s collectively cheat on cervical cancer.

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