How Important is Love in Safety?

A child died…

Over the weekend I heard of two cases regarding locking of gates at residential estates. In the first, a child died because the estate gate was locked, the security at gate wasn’t there to open for the family who wanted to rush the child to the hospital. The father had to forcefully open the gate and on the way to the hospital, the child died. In the second instance, a pregnant woman had to jump the fence because security was not at the gate to open and labour had started at night.

I agree that because of security concerns gates should be locked but should the rule about not opening the gate till morning be cast in stone? Should security men leave their duty posts for any reason? Why shouldn’t adequate stations be created for security right there beside the gates to avoid stories of receiving the call of nature? Why should we leave security men exposed to the elements? Why should we make rules without thinking of possible scenarios/emergencies that could arise?

This week will be awash with love and its components. In the context of safety, love is an important component. For you to really be a safety conscious person, you need to care about the well-being of others. We are supposed to love God and love our neighbours as ourselves.

Love God
Love Yourself
Love your Neighbour

It is only when you love as an employer that you will ensure your workplace is not a deathtrap to your workers or your visitors. It is only when you love as an employee that you will report if you see an unsafe task or equipment and not say it’s not my business. It is only when you love others that when you make rules in places of worship and residential estates, you will create clauses that can protect life in emergencies.

When buying furniture for your workplace what do you do? When recruiting staff do you make provision for their welfare? When working for someone, do you follow shortcuts? Do you comply with laid down rules or do you play a fast one when no one is watching? When you get valuable safety information that will help others do you educate others? Did you know that most depression cases could have been sorted just by listening and paying attention to detail? We need to genuinely begin to care about others. Remember we do not live in isolation and the actions of others could hurt us directly or indirectly.

Love. If we love more, we’d always think ahead about others before making decisions.

Love. If we love more, we’d have empathy to help others even when the rules are restricting.

Love. If we love more, we’d make our society safer for all.

Love and Safety is a full time job – don’t make it a part time practice

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