More Reason You Need to Attend The School Safety Summit – The Adventures Of Muna 2

The sequel to the first in #TheAdventuresOfMuna series is out💃💃💃 The book had been ready for a while but it was fitting to present on one of our major events the #SchoolSafetySummit.

It is a #ChildSafety #StoryBook with more scenarios of how children can be safe in normal day to day activities.

This kid-to-kid safety guide tackles various aspects of children safety, from preparing for a holiday trip to safety on an airplane to first aid, and going for excursions and field trips. It passes the child safety message with simple language and familiar characters so that your child will both learn and remember.

Getting a copy of #TheAdventuresOfMuna series can help you start some really important conversations with your children.
It could be a springboard to further conversation, discussion and continued teaching and learning.

May 17th would be really loaded with lots of good stuff. As an Educator/Parent, you do not want to miss all the lovely stuff prepared for you. See you there 😉

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July 10, 2020


March 23, 2016