Are you more attentive to your children or to your mobile phone

Think about this, the last time a child or student came to ask a question, make a request or make a contribution while you were on your phone, how did you react? Be honest🙂

Recently, there was a video about children desiring to become mobile phones because their parents gave more attention to the mobile devices than to them. This might look like it’s not a big deal until you begin to think of things that can compromise their safety while you’re distracted by your phone. .

1) Abduction: when you’re distracted by your phone and you have a child with you, that is the perfect time for an abductor to snatch your child because you are no longer conscious of your immediate environment

2) Home accidents: children are very observant. If you are distracted, it gives them time to engage in risky activities. They may play on stairs, use sharp objects or play with cleaning fluids .

These are just 2 examples but I am certain you catch the drift. This is not just for the safety of our children but even for ourselves. Absence of attention can be detrimental .

Learn to be present actively.

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