Is your school ready for the election

Some days ago, I shared on Election Readiness for Schools on the CME WhatsApp groups. However, I realise we may not all be there and so I’ve decided to share here too.

By now, we should be aware of the information released by the Ministry of Education on 2 Mid Term breaks in the school calendar to help the election situation.

I believe that is a good show of initiative and being proactive. However, you will agree with me that election violence and other related issues do not just happen on election days. It could be days before or days after the election.
So, how can you get your school: staff and students, ready and safe from harm?

1) Get rid of potential hiding spots
Do you have bushes around your school? Do you have tree branches from outside the school which are now very obvious on the school premises? Those branches are entry points for miscreants to come into the school without using gates. Whenever, political rallies take place, miscreants hang around to take advantage of any chaos. Chaos is an opportunity for theft and injury. Therefore ensure there are no hiding spots in the form of uncut bushes or illegal entry through tree branches
2) Adequately trained security personnel
You would probably say, my security team are trained and already know the procedure. While that is okay, this period is a good time to have a refresher training with them and tighten some lax security procedures. This is the time to go the extra mile to ensure your school is secure and there are no sad stories. As an extra precaution, get the phone number of the police  unit or NSCDC in your location. It’s more specific to your school Location but if it’s tough finding that then don’t forget to call 112 or 767 if you’re in Lagos. For other states, know the emergency numbers

3) First Aid
Now, we do not pray for anything to happen but just in case what are your plans if injury arise? Depending on the size of your school, you need a properly equipped First Aid kit or a sick bay/school clinic. This is a must for all schools. However, you must go the extra mile and have a hospital around the school where you have an account/medical plan.

The plan here is when things are beyond your First Aid Kit and school clinic, you need to have a hospital that knows your school and can spring into action to help while parents and family members get contacted. I know some of us have certain big names of hospitals we want to be associated with but if these hospitals are too far from your school location, they are not ideal for emergencies. In an emergency, time available and knowledge are key to reduce its effects
4) School bus drivers/movement
This period of rallies, our school buses might be on the roads on those days. What can we do to ensure that our drivers are aligned?
You’d agree with me that some convoy drivers and campaign rally drivers can be mean but is that enough reason for our school bus drivers to start pulling stunts with our children in the bus? No. Therefore, we need to speak with our bus drivers not to engage with those drivers no matter how unruly they are. Teach them to be observant as they drive so they can take alternative routes when they see trouble brewing.
5) Be Flexible
For now, you might need to manage your closure time. Know the existing pick up plans for your students and their home addresses so that if for some reason no one shows up to pick them up, you can help out
6) Listen to the news
Being updated on happenings in the country would help you know what is going on per time and this would help you make informed decisions

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