How to prevent accidents around school buses

Has your finger ever been hit in the process of someone slamming a vehicle door?

This might seem “small” or negligible until you read the next scenario .
Did you hear the story of the female student whose uniform belt was caught in the door of the school bus and the school bus driver drove on oblivious to the fact a child was attached?

The little things we take for granted might be the difference between an accident and a non-accident. Who would have thought a losely tied or unloosend belt would have led to that?

At the last #SchoolSafetySummit the representative of the @frscnigeria advised that before school bus drivers move vehicles they have to stop and check before driving off. In practical terms this means, a child alights, you wait to hear the door close, you check that the child has moved away from the vehicle successfully, then you drive off. Drivers should also be mindful of children hurrying on the road without carefully observing traffic.

For children, always encourage them
1) To avoid staying around parked vehicles
2) To wait for the bus to stop before approaching it
3) To avoid playing on the streets while waiting for the bus
4) To be careful so their clothes or property is not caught in the bus
5) If something falls, they should speak to the driver first before bending to pick it.

For school management,
1) Ensure school buses have seatbelts
2) Have a student feedback system so happenings in the bus can be reported
3) Have a teacher/minder in the bus to accompany and monitor the kids
4) Have a first aid kit in the bus.

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