How to prevent poisoning from house hold items

Children, especially those between the age of 0-6 tend to eat anything they can on sight, and by so doing poison themselves with these things as most of them could be highly poisonous. These things are mostly common household items which look attractive and smell nice.

Here are a few tips to keep children safe from such poisoning;

1) Keep pills and liquids in their original containers. If you change a container use, please put a label especially if the container was used for food before.

2) Keep pesticides, insecticide and other products in that category either in a store or cabinet that can be locked.

3) Don’t leave cleaning agents under the sink or in an unlocked cabinet. It doesn’t matter how high a cabinet is, curious children can climb to get anything they want, so always lock it.

4) When cleaning the home, do not leave the cleaning agent bottles or buckets unattended if there’s a little child present. He or she might decide to have a taste.

5) Keep medicine out of reach.

6) Ensure proper housekeeping. When the house is kept clean and things are in the right place, it reduces the chance of children getting poisoned from household items.

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