International worker’s day

Did you know this day came about to mark the approval of 8 hour work days as opposed to 10 – 16 hours?

International Labour Day or May Day is celebrated to finish the struggle as well as to promote the requirement of eight-hour work days. Earlier the working condition of the laborer was so severe and working hours was 10 to 16 hour a day even in unsafe conditions. Deaths, injuries and other dreadful conditions of the workers were very common at the workplace during the 1860’s and working people were very agitated throughout the workday until the 8-hour workday was declared.
Workers deserve to be treated right and provided with an opportunity to work in a safe environment. No one who comes to work should be subjected to a reduced quality of life because of work. They deserve safe working conditions. Employers need to look out for the wellbeing of their employees and that is why the theme for this year is important “Sustainable Pension for all: The Role of Social Partners”

Creating a pension plan is great but ensuring that this fund is not embezzled or difficult to access in old age is even better. Let’s become more considerate to our fellow humans.

Happy Worker’s Day

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