Tips to Manage Molestation


Due to recent incidents in Nigeria and more people speaking up on their experience or near experience with sexual harassment, it is important to reiterate some important points. It is my hope that parents and guardians bear this in mind as they raise their children

1) Regardless of age, anyone can be abused – children, teenagers, adults
2) Any gender can be assaulted. Many men have opened up on being assaulted by house-helps or aunties when they were younger
3) Teach children about appropriate and inappropriate touch early
4) Make your relationship with them comfortable so they can confide in you. When they confide in you, listen and act correctly. It will boost their confidence in you
5) When children start hating an individual or place, investigate. It may not be outright hatred, it could be nervousness or irritation, observe and act.
6) When you are aware an abuse has occurred, ensure the child gets the right therapy so they are not damaged for life
7) Your first response should not be to blame the victim
8) Learn as much as you can from experts so you would know how to handle the variety of issues that will come up as you relate with your children
9) Teach children responsibility. As we do not want them to be molested by others, they should not also molest others. Teach them the implications
10) From time to time, review knowledge with children. Check that they remember, observe as they answer questions, inquire in love when you perceive they are not speaking or they are evading a question

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