Tips to Build a Conducive Learning Environment

Yesterday, I was at the Save Education Dialogue organised by Concerned Parents and Educators Network. During one of the sessions, tagged “How I would love to learn”, children from different schools spoke on their expectations of teachers and the schools. Some spoke on the need for practical lessons, consideration of other intelligences not just English and Mathematics, teachers that inspire them to do more and more hinted on a conducive learning.

As a safety officer, I would focus on a conducive learning environment because there is research that shows an unconducive learning environment could lead to academic, physical and behavioural challenges. This could range from physical injury to bullying, mental health issues and other related ones. All these impede personal safety and affect learner achievement 

How can a learning environment become more conducive to ensure safety and boost academic performance?

1) Built Environment

This refers to the building structure, classroom and immediate school environment. This is at the heart of school safety. Things like dark corners can foster bullying and molestation, wrong building design can foster falls and slamming into walls, poor ventilation can lead to suffocation. What can you do to make your built environment safer? Do it.

2) Classroom rules and procedures 

Order in how all activities are carried out in class gives a sense of comfort. How is bullying addressed? How is discrimination managed? Do children know they can express themselves in class without feeling judged? When things go against the rules, how is it addressed? Order is helpful to students

3) Training

Teachers and students have a combined role to play here so they both need training. Teachers need to learn how to create and maintain a safe and conducive learning environment. Students need to be trained on their roles in supporting existing structures 

4) Teacher temperament 

As a teacher, you’ve got to know that the children are watching your every move. Are you calm under pressure? Are you always moody? Do you transfer aggression? Are you vulnerable with them? Your temperament can make or mar the learning environment. Choose to embody positive vibes.

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