Should you test cloth masks before purchase?

No, you’re not supposed to try out several ones before choosing what to purchase. Do you try out the surgical ones? No, you buy in faith because it is measured correctly.

The Lagos state government provided measurements to ensure correct sizes are produced. If you feel the need to try it then it’s most likely not your size.

As a mask producer:

  1. If you want to cater to different head sizes then think of using straps, elastic bands or any material that can be resized to suit various head sizes.
  2. Consider selling in packs of 6 or 12 in sealed packs for those who want for families or need spare ones. It’s hygienic and neater that way
  3. Consider selling in different sizes – small, medium, large.
  4. Stop allowing people try them on and breathe on them because you don’t know who is who. Let us stop endangering the lives of others bearing in mind that droplets from an infected person can survive on surfaces for a long duration.

As a mask buyer:

  1. Buy cloth masks only from trusted sources who have packaged it in sealed packs.
  2. Know your size and purchase accordingly.
  3. If you have already bought from a questionable source, wash thoroughly and spread under the sun to dry. (Someone said, what if there is no sun? In that case, iron it after washing and air drying)

Stop “testing” masks.

Remember cloth masks do not prevent the virus, they only reduce the likelihood when combined with other preventive methods like social distancing and hand washing. Stay safe.


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