How to choose the right Post-covid safety measures for your school

Copy and paste does not fully work in terms of safety because there are some realities or risks that are peculiar to your school. Context is very important when implementing safety measures. There are standard protocols but these protocols must only be implemented in line with your school’s unique context. For example, a school in a rural area, busy intersection of town, secluded and bushy terrain or a 5 storey building structure will have different realities.

How then can you ensure you choose right most especially as we navigate the Post-Covid era? Here are some points to consider:

  1. Conduct Risk assessment

A thorough risk assessment of your school should be done by a safety professional. It would help them assess the unique risks peculiar to your school and recommend control measures that suit your context but still aligns with recommended safety protocols.

2. Know your Target Audience

We operate different types of schools with different types of parents, teachers and students which is sometimes a factor of our different locations. Therefore, consider them when choosing safety measures and communicating these safety. What works in China may not necessarily work in Abeokuta. Know your audience.

3. Consider Available Resources

Maybe you have seen the examples of schools in China but you cannot afford all that? Focus on the principles in available safety protocols and customise your  choice of safety measures to suit your context and available resources. The goal is to ensure a safe space for children not a prize for highest spender. For example, you cannot afford the bill of having sanitizers but you have access to running water, work with it.

4. Periodic Review

You will need to review your systems from time to time in order to evaluate for effectiveness.


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