Is it safe for students to engage in school sports?

Due to the pandemic, there have been concerns about sports in schools. Should you be worried about this? According to Dr Joseph Allen, an Associate Professor of Harvard, outdoor sports are safer than indoor sports for 2 primary reasons:

1) Unlimited ventilation: this ensures quick dispersal of aerosols before it reaches another athlete’s mask.

2) Ultraviolet radiation from natural sunlight: Without sunlight, it can take more than four hours for 90 percent of the novel coronavirus to inactivate. Outdoors in the sunlight typical of early fall and late winter? Nineteen minutes. In the summer sun, just eight minutes.

Does this mean indoor sports should be totally exempted? NO!

Some considerations for safe sports in schools:  

1) As much as possible, choose to have sports outdoor.

2) Use masks for close contact sports.

3) Use sanitizer before and after sports.

4) For close contact indoor sports, minimize the numbers on the court and ensure appropriate ventilation.

Sports is important for the physical and mental well-being of children. As long as safety precautions are taken, it is safe. Would you allow your students to engage in sports?

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