What should you teach children about bullying?

According to the UNESCO Institute of Statistics, one-third of the globe’s youth is bullied; this ranges from as low as 7% in Tajikistan to 74% in Samoa. Wikipedia says, “bullying is the use of force, coercion, hurtful teasing or threat to abuse, aggressively dominate or intimidate. It is a repeated, aggressive behaviour intended to hurt another individual physically, mentally or emotionally. There is usually a perception of an imbalance of physical or social power.”

How can you differentiate bullying from other aggressive behaviour?

Bullying features the following:

1) Hostile intent

2) Imbalance of power 

3) Repetition over a period of time

Types of bullying 

1) Physical: hurts someone’s body or damages their property 

2) Verbal: uses voice and words to hurt others 

3) Relational: uses relationships to hurt others. This is common among young people especially girls. Social exclusion and making others feel left out is one way a bully dominates others

4) Cyberbullying: uses technology to harass, embarrass or threaten others

Some signs your child is being bullied

1) Reluctance to go to certain places

2) Fear of school

3) Loss of appetite

4) Sadness

5) Withdrawal from others and spending more time with family and friends 

Effects of bullying 

1) Low self-esteem 

2) Loneliness 

3) Depression which might sometimes lead to suicide

4) Anxiety 

5) Susceptibility to illness

How to respond to bullying 

1) Encourage children to speak up when they experience it

2) When children speak up, do not ignore it or underestimate it because if it is not addressed, it will continue

3) Teach children not to be bystanders when another child is being bullied.

4) Parents and teachers must create an environment where bullying cannot continue

How to reinforce a no-bullying stance

For parents and teachers 

a) Teach through songs, stories, games etc.

b) Reward good behaviour and punish bad behaviour 

For school management 

a) Have an anti-bullying policy

b) Take action when rules are broken

c) Organise anti-bullying days or weeks as part of school activities

You have a role to play in child safety. Empower the child. Share your knowledge with other parents and teachers.




Intentionally grooming a safety conscious generation 


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