How being proactive can be an amazing accident prevention strategy

How you do small things determines how you’d do big things.

I’m sad that avoidable safety incidents and accidents keep reoccurring in this country. No child should be put in harms way because of Education. As I always say to educators, no one sends their child to school to die or get injured.

We’ve got to become more PROACTIVE about our safety in this country irrespective of our areas of expertise. Accidents affect all of us directly and indirectly. You can be hit directly, you can be a passerby, you can be a victim of a stray object, you can lose your business, your route to an important interview could get blocked, your business contact might be the victim….

Do you see what I mean?


DETAILS matter in ensuring the safety of all. From plane crashes to building collapse to molestation and even abduction. When making decisions, ask yourself, can this decision hurt someone directly or indirectly?

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