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Posts tagged with ‘road safety’

  • Holiday Road Safety Tips

    More people will travel this week for the holiday. Many others will stay put but will still go visiting for…

  • Do you know what is ASAP and how it can help you stay safe in road traffic accident

    What is ASAP? Over the weekend was World First Aid Day so we decided to share some tips in that…

  • How to stay safe on the road during holidays

    Many people will be travelling this week either outside or within the state. Many others will stay put but will…

  • Are you a distracted road user?

    Using your mobile device right now? Not a problem at all but where you are using it determines if it’s…

  • Your Attitude Towards Your Safety

    Last week I posted the requirements of the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) for our cars. If you missed the…

  • Do you have a vehicle emergency kit?

    You are driving on the road and suddenly you hear a loud sound, one of your tyres begin to wobble.…

  • Be Proactive!

    In the past few hours  of 2017, there has been various prophecies from Men of God  all over social media.…
